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5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

Center tables are a crucial and important part of every home. The ideal piece should complete and enhance the beauty of the room. If you’re looking for a mid-century inspired design we have the best 5 Unique Mid-Century Center Tables To You!

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5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

Miller is a stunning rotating cocktail table with gold plated brass rings over the four-layered Nero Marquina marble discs. The metal provides a dynamic contrast to the rich black marble and its rotation evokes a certain playfulness and style to your home decor. Center your retro-chic living room with this sober and provocative coffee table.

5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You


5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

Newson is a mid-century styled low coffee table ready to set a tone in your living room look and home decor. It sets up a strong contrast between the heavy gold plated brass structure with “V” shaped legs and the brown smoked glass surface. A perfect fit for either classic or modern living rooms.

5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You


5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

Konstantin is a low center table produced with a distinctive brown smoked glass top and a brass trim. It features an elaborated central structure made of tubes, some finished in glossy white, others with a mix of polished brass.

5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You


5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

Craig is an oval mid-century modern coffee table that carries an uncompromised retro style and strong presence. It boasts a Green Guatemala marble top, supported by a stainless steel structure in a brass finish with a low shelf for storage. A perfect centerpiece that brings a modern approach to its design.

5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You


5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You

Lautner is a coffee table that stands out for its curved edges, mixing earth-tone colors from the varnished walnut wood and polished brass. Its artisan quality and crafted work provide a striking centerpiece for your living room. It has a moody smoked glass on the top and a shelf at the base that offers additional storage.

5 Unique Mid Century Center Tables For You



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